Albert Kluyver

Albert Jan Kluyver (June 3, 1888, Breda - May 14, 1956) was a Dutch microbiologist and biochemist.

In 1926 Kluyver and Hendrick Jean Louis Donker published the now classic paper, "Die Einheit in der Biochemie" ("Unity in Biochemistry"),[1] a paper helped establish Kluyver's vision that, at a biochemical level, all organisms are unified. Kluyver famously expressed the idea with the aphorism: “From elephant to butyric acid bacterium – it is all the same”.[2] The paper, and other work from Kluyver's lab that helped support both the concept of biochemical unity as well as the idea of "comparative biochemistry," which Kluyver envisioned as biochemically equivalent to “comparative anatomy.” The concept established a theoretical basis for studying chemical processes in bacteria and extrapolating those processes to higher organisms.[3]

The concepts of "biochemical unity" and "comparative biochemistry" were very influential and was probably Kluyver's most significant work. Kluyver's best known student, C. B. van Niel, commented on his mentor's scientific influence and noted that by the middle of the 20th century his work on biochemical unity was no longer cited. His aphorism was sufficiently widespread that in 1961 François Jacob and Jacques Monod paraphrased it, without mentioning Kluyver, as “that old axiom ‘what is true for bacteria is also true for elephants’ ” to justify genetic code's universality.[4] Unfortunately, his career was profoundly influenced by World War 2 and the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

He is associated with the Delft school of microbiology. He is considered the father of comparative microbiology, and in 1953 won the Copley medal.


  1. ^ Kluyver, Albert J. and Donker, H. J. L. 1926. “Die Einheit in der Biochemie.” Chem. Zelle Gewebe 13: 134–190.
  2. ^ *Kamp, A. F., La Rivière, J.W. M. and Verhoeven, W. Albert Jan Kluyver: His Life and Work, New York: Interscience Publishers, 1959. p. 20.
  3. ^ *Kluyver, Albert J. The Chemical Activities of Micro-Organisms. London: University of London Press, 1931. p. 5
  4. ^ Monod, Jacques and Jacob, François. 1961. “General Conclusions: Teleonomic Mechanisms in Cellular Metabolism, Growth and Differentiation.” Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology (Cellular Regulatory Mechanisms) 26: 389–401. p. 393

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